Acupuncture is an ancient system of healing developed over 2000 years ago as part of the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is based on the concept of vital energy or Qi (pronounced 'chee') which flows around the body via channels or meridians. The harmonious flow of Qi is essential for the body to be in an optimal state of health. Blockages or deficiencies of Qi are caused by stress, trauma, pathogenic factors, overwork and inadequate nutrition. This may result in pain, fatigue, reduced function, and various emotional and physical 'dis' ease states.
Acupuncturists diagnose, specific 'patterns of disharmony' in the body's subtle energetic system by assessing reported symptoms, together with tongue and pulse signs and other observations. Point combinations are selected to address these patterns, with priorities for treatment plan being established. Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of extremely fine needles into specific points on the body. This results in improved flow of Qi, enabling the body to return to a state of health and wellbeing.
The first session lasts approximately one hour. After discussing your main presenting condition(s), a detailed medical history will be taken along with tongue and pulse readings. Acupuncturists work by using models of Traditional Chinese Medical diagnosis, identifying and treating specific 'patterns of disharmony', based on information given by the client as well as our own observations. Having diagnosed one or more patterns, a combination of acupuncture points is selected to restore balance to the body's energetic function.
Needles are inserted and left in place for approximately 20 minutes, during which time the client relaxes on the treatment couch. Needles may be manipulated once or twice during treatment, and further pulse readings taken. Most people find acupuncture treatment deeply relaxing, and leave with a sense of renewed wellbeing.
After your treatment, simple dietary and lifestyle advice may be given to help support the treatment. Typically, treatment consists of a course of between 6 and 10 sessions, depending on the condition and its' chronicity.
• Acupuncture Initial Consultation: £65
• Follow up acupuncture: £60
• Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture: £80
Please contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to book a consultation. Alternatively, you can call me on 079 1700 7800.
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