Facial Acupuncture

How the treatment works

The system I use is 'Constitutional Facial Acupuncture Renewal', developed by Mary Elizabeth Wakefield and based on the work of the French acupuncturist, Jacques Lavier. The face is a mirror of the body, mind and emotions. As well as addressing your concerns about facial aging, underlying imbalances in these three areas are treated. I create an individually tailored treatment to maximise the benefits to your health and facial appearance. I encourage clients to make positive lifestyle changes to enhance their treatment outcomes.

Potential benefits: Reduces symptoms of Bell's Palsy, neuropathies and TMJImproves muscle toneFills out sunken areasReduces double chinFirms sagging neck, lifts drooping mouth and eyelidsEliminates oedema, reducing under eye bagsTightens pores and brightens the eyesIncreases local blood and lymph circulationImproves facial colour and radianceReduces stress, improves general health and well-being.

In addition, the benefits of a constitutional treatment which addresses your specific health imbalances.

What to expect

A detailed history is taken and TCM diagnosis is made. You choose the area/s of concern you would like me to work on. The treatment begins with a facial massage using pure organic jojoba oil with appropriately selected essential oils. Unlike other facial acupuncture treatments, facial needling in this system is minimal. I use very high quality, ultra-fine Seirin needles in all treatments.

To achieve optimal results, I would recommend an initial course of 10 weekly treatments. Follow up treatments at 4 to 6 week intervals will help to maintain the benefits.

Get in touch

Please contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to book a consultation. Alternatively, you can call me on 079 1700 7800.

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