Other therapies I offer...

Aromatherapy Massage

A deeply relaxing massage, using a bespoke blend of essential oils, chosen for their specific healing properties and to create maximum therapeutic benefit to you, the client. The treatment works on multiple levels, promoting physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing. 60 minutes - £65.

Indian Head Massage

A treatment that focuses on massaging acupressure points on the head, neck, shoulders, upper back and upper arms. A range massage techniques are used to release tension, relieve pain, improve circulation of blood and lymph in the area. The treatment is done while seated and through light clothing. Rich, conditioning oil can be applied to the hair if desired. 30 minutes - £35.


An ancient therapy used across many cultures to treat pain, release muscle tension and improve circulation of Qi and blood. In 'Fire Cupping', a flame is used to create a vacuum in a glass cup. The cups are quickly applied to the skin, creating suction which releases 'stagnation' from the area. The healing effect comes about through increased flow of Qi and blood.

Cupping frequently causes red or purple marks in the area, these are indicative of the quality of Qi flow in the area and are not a cause for concern. They will fade and disappear within a few days. 30 minutes - £35.

Get in touch

Please contact me if you would like to have a chat about any of the therapies I offer, or to book a consultation. Alternatively, you can call me on 079 1700 7800.

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